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Tear Jerker / Signs of Snow

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  • Shran's utter horror and devastation are palpable when Archer tells him that only nineteen of his eighty-six crewmembers have been rescued, thinking to all the parents and children and siblings lost in the disaster.
    • The reason why he's so impacted is because he precisely knows how it feels, having lost Lily — pregnant at the time — in a previous attack against the Kumari. Even if she actually was taken back to her original era, Shran and Talas and Thrass had no possible way to know that and spent almost two decades mourning their lost bondmate and unborn child.
    • Shran met Lily aboard the Kumari. He had created a bondgroup aboard the Kumari. He learned he was to be a father aboard the Kumari. For the better and the worse, the ship was a tangible link to Lily and their child — losing the Kumari means losing them all over again.
    • Archer's quiet shock and empathy in front of Shran's reveal that his racism towards the Tellarites is no mere cultural affectation, but ignominiously, painfully personal.
  • Harriet's kneejerk reaction when she looks at her brand new, blue face in the mirror and gets confirmation that she never was a Potter at all, only believed to be just because her mother cast a blood-spell on her infant daughter? Rage, feeling betrayed and heartbreak.
  • The Tellarite Ambassador admitting he was responsible for Shran's pregnant bondmate's disappearance and gloating about how it meant ridding the galaxy from two Andorians is enough for the Crusading Widow to ask for a duel to death, the peace talks be damned.
    • Archer's desperate attempt to keep the conference on rails and prevent the duel is interpretated by Shran as the human condoning his family's destruction. It's obviously killing the Captain inside for his actions to be taken this way — as Shran obviously deserves justice but this is weighing two people against several billions if the alliance cannot become real. And so Archer has to differ justice.
  • Harriet managing to appear on the Enterprise's deck only to fall into a coma from her wrecked biology. Shran and Talas spend five days at her bedside, terrified by the possibility of losing her again immediately after their unexpected, miraculous reunion.
    • It plays a deciding factor in Archer's decision to hide the young alien-hybrid's existence, as he knows that Starfleet would try to take her from her parents' custody and Shran really doesn't need to worry about that.
  • Talas quietly mourning the seventeen years she didn't got to raise her daughter.
    • The little tidbit that the whole bondgroup decided on "Harriet" as their unborn child's name, but losing her right before she was to be born traumatized them to the point they couldn't even bear to think of her as anything but "their child".
