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Tear Jerker / Remnant and Runeterra: A Tale of Two Worlds

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  • The latter half of Chapter 23:
    • Ren's concerns show when Nora unknowingly ventures deeper into The Black Mist. He tried to call for her, but she wouldn't respond. This parallels to a parent who just lost sight of their child in a crowded area or an unknown area.
    • The scene with Thresh increased Ren's fears. He only met Thresh when he heard Nora's screams. When Ren arrived, he saw Thresh torturing Nora.
    • The climax of the Chapter is Ren helplessly watching Thresh ripping apart Nora and taking her soul.
    • When Lucian realized what Thresh has done, he tells Ren that Nora is not dead but trapped in Thresh's lantern, forever in constant agony and torture.
      • After hearing all of this, Ren breaks down.
      • At the same time, Lucian knows how Ren is feeling as he himself had the same experience.
    • Ren taking a final look at Nora's mutilated corpse, Lucian telling him to leave the body behind.
    • When the two leave, Yorick pitied the poor girl after seeing her corpse and dug a grave for her.
      Yorick: "Here lies Nora, the nicest girl I have ever met."
    • The end of Chapter 23 has an original song, A Soul Bereft of Love, written to describe this chapter as a whole.
  • In Chapter 29, Scarlet watched his teammate, Neptune, get dragged into the depths of the ocean, unable to do anything.
    • Harsher in Hindsight in Chapter 32 with the following quote:
      Sun: "I'm also very worried about Neptune. If he fell into the sea... you know."
