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Tear Jerker / Patalliro!

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  • ep1: In the anime, while Patalliro hides it and even later uses it to his advantage, he’s clearly upset that Jada, who had been his servant for years, betrayed him. He even rejects Bancoran’s comfort, like he will usually do when upset.
  • Ch 2: Patalliro’s father dies.
    • It’s worse in the anime. It had been just a normal day for him, then he hears the news. He rushes to see his dad, but it’s too late; he’s gone and Patalliro didn’t even get to say goodbye. Yet Patalliro doesn’t cry. He just tries to distract himself the whole episode, but whenever it’s brought up you will momentarily see his demeanor drop, not much but still.
  • Chapter 3: A mysterious older brother appears and while suspicious at first, Patalliro slowly starts to accept the idea and is even happy about it—then it turns out it was all an evil plan and his “brother” tries to poison him. Thankfully he’s saved just in time.
  • Ch 4: While it’s supposed to be funny, the scene where Patalliro reunites with his mother is also sad; Patalliro spent half the chapter worrying for his mother and when they’re reunited she runs past him towards Bancoran.
    • It happens again in chapter 8 with his beloved cousin Madeline; Patalliro solved the crime and saved his cousin, but once again he’s pushed aside for the pretty boy.
  • Ch 11: Bancoran is shot and goes missing
  • Ch 35: We discover that the enemy of the day was a young man who was kidnapped ten year previous and turned into an assassin. Yet despite being brainwashed he still loved his little brother so much that he turned on his comrades and died just so his father could get Patalliro to the hospital for a blood transplant. He even carried a photo of his brother in a locket. Unfortunately he is killed for his actions and never even gets a proper reunion with his family.
  • Ch 36: Maraich has a miscarriage.
  • Ch 38: A boy name Robbie is miraculously curing everyone, but he does so by giving a little of his life each time. The moment Patalliro discovers this he wants Robbie to stop, but Bancoran needs him to cure a man or a war will start and thousands will die. You can actually see how hard the choice is for the young king, but he does decide that that needs of the many has to come first. He has Robbie heal the man, promising him his own rocket to fly to the moon, even though Patalliro knows that isn’t going to happen. Robbie dies, his last thoughts being of the rocket he always dreamed of. Bancoran tries to offer the boy comfort, but Patalliro rejects him. He runs off and for the first time in his life breaks down crying, obviously blaming himself. Seeing that this is Patalliro, this is very heart breaking. To make things worse this is the FIRST time his sorrow isn’t played as a joke.
