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Tear Jerker / One Punch-Gamer

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    One Punch Gamer 

    Chains of Fate 
  • Despite their best efforts, Kirito and Eugeo fail to save Alice who ends up taken away. Making matters worse is how Eugeo gets stabbed through the chest before plummeting to his death.
  • The scene with Johnny Black and Xaxa successfully ambush Kirito and inject him with succinylcholine. When Asuna and Suguha desperately call out and cry his name, you'll feel your own heartstrings tear.
  • Selka, who witnessed the above and has to live in fear of suffering the same fate as her sister if knowledge of her visions ever become known. By the time Kirito meets her, its clear the burden was starting to take its toll on the poor girl.
  • The entirety of the First Interlude as we see how the rest of the UHA have all but come to pieces over Kirito's disappearance. Seeing them all so depressed is just heartbreaking.
