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Tearjerker / Little Einsteins

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  • The end of “Melody, the Music Pet” where Melody leaves on the Pet Train.
    • The normally optimistic Leo just dejectedly tells the gang to go home and not until Melody returns does he smile.
    • Not to mention, Melody herself. She has bonded with Leo and she is just as depressed as Leo when she leaves, even singing sad notes.
    • Makes it worse as the minor key part of Humoresque No. 7 plays during this scene.
  • Annie being the only one without a Wish Box in the Christmas Wish. All of her friends, including her big brother Leo, manage to get their Wish Boxes and are marvelling at them, but after that, the camera pans to the left to show Annie all alone with a despondent look on her face over having none at all.
  • In "Annie, Get your Microphone", Big Jet rips up Annie's song, laughs at her over it, and throws the pieces out a window where they get blown away. To say the little blondie was devastated would be an understatement.
    Annie: But I worked so hard on it... (sighs in sorrow) I'll never win the microphone now...
  • Butterfly crying in "The Missing Invitation" when he believes he did not get invited to the Monarch Family Reunion. Not helped at all with the three other butterflies teasing him.
  • The Great Sphinx of Giza shedding a tear in "The Puzzle of the Sphinx" when the puzzle pieces go missing. Rocket even brings out a handkerchief for the Sphinx.
  • Melody being sad and scared during the hot-air balloon rescue in "Melody and Me". Leo calling out to Melody and being worried about her does not help matters much. It goes to show just how much Leo and Melody love and need each other.
  • A bit of Fridge Tear Jerker kicks in when one thinks about Rocket being separated from Leo in "How We Became Little Einsteins: The True Story". After Rocket grew too big for the baby mobile, he flew off and stayed missing until where it's heavily implied that years later, Leo reunited with him after the song was sung from the mobile. If it was not for everyone singing the song and realizing Rocket was missing, Rocket would have stayed lost and Leo would have never been with him again.
