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Tear Jerker / Kiryuuin Chronicles

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Spoilers Off applies to all Tear Jerker pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

  • The Kiryuuin Chronicles is a rather depressing story but we get three chapters in particular. From Chapter 11, we have Rei's death and Satsuki's ruminations on it.
    Satsuki: The person who had looked after us since birth was gone, gone for good. She was trapped, yet she had sacrificed, endured, lost, and promised so much and, in the end, she was free, like the caged bird that she was.
  • Three chapters later, we have Satsuki with her little sisters coming back to that house and her realization:
    Very little remained apart from the doorway and a few—her— bloodstains in the floor. She couldn't take care of us because of him and was trying to protect us as only she could, just like Rei was.
  • Earlier, we get Ragyou holding Satsuki for the first in a long time.
    She was stroking my hair, before she held me in her arms for a little while. As she put me back, she kissed me on the forehead, saying, So sorry, I love you." She stroked my hair a final time before leaving the room with tears streaming down her face.
