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Tear Jerker / FT Island

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  • Many of their songs, unsurprisingly since they mostly write and perform love ballads:
    • "I Don't Know How To Love" - especially the chorus.
    • "Stars" - a beautiful song overall with bitter lyrics not made any better by Hongki and Wonbin/Seunghyun's singing and touching harmonization.
    • "Don't Love" - an Ensemble Dark Horse from the 2nd album that was only performed at one concert in 2008, and it was heartbreaking enough to make Hongki cry while singing it (said infamous crying is mocked now and then by friends).
    • "Let Go" - also an Ensemble Dark Horse that was only performed at their tour in 2009.
    • "Distance". Another song to have made Hongki very emotional/teary, to the point he had to catch his breath/calm down after his long high note for a few moments at their Christmas concert.
    • "Morning Coffee" and "Last Love Song" from their latest Japanese album, composed by Jaejin and Jonghun respectively. The vocals are very emotional, not to mention the instrumentals (powerful angsty guitars/drums in the former and melancholy piano in the latter).
  • Their drama music videos. A notable one is Jaejin's MV version of "Heaven", especially when he makes his Anguished Declaration of Love in his head while being stabbed and said loved one running away from him and her kidnapper/his stabber.
  • Their "Love Love Love" MV plot is pretty melancholy. These two marionettes in love are physically incapable of being together because their strings are not long enough for them to even lay a finger on each other. They decide to burn their strings to overcome this - it results in them being burned to death but they get to at least finally embrace each other. Props to their actors for being very convincing creepy marionettes.
