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Tear Jerker / Digimon Adventure tri. Abridged

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Episode 1: Genesis of Nostalgia:

  • The fight with Tai and Matt over the former's reluctance to use Omegamon.

Episode 2: Pure Sincerity

  • Joe and Mimi's talk about their issues.
    • Not to mention the effect it has on Gomamon.
    Gomamon: Joe? Do you not want to be super fish buddies anymore?

Episode 3: Back to the Beginning

  • Patamon telling TK to kill him if he goes berserk from the virus is just as emotional here as it was in the original.
    • TK in general is this in episode 3, as his need to engage in weird habits that are different everyday are revealed to be a coping mechanism over the constant losses he suffers.
    • The fact that he's trying to stay in-character when an infected Patamon starts biting at him. You can easily see his facade slowly breaking.
  • Izzy revealing that he doesn't feel like he has anything if he loses Tentomon.
  • "You're all so difficult."

Episode 4: Distant Starlight

  • When Hackmon asks that wasn't it Daigo who led the original DigiDestined against the Dark Masters; Daigo has a flashback to what seems like his partner LoaderLiomon's final stand against Piedmon ending with the Dark Master seemingly killing LoaderLiomon.
  • Meicoomon attacking Meiko, ranting on and on about how stressful a time she's had until Meiko calms her down.
  • Tai and Matt being completely resigned to drowning in MetalSeadramon's lake. How accepting they are of an impending death really drives home how accustomed they are to mortal danger.
