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Tear Jerker / Bunny: Gore Justice

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While some of the tearjerking parts come off as just slightly Narm-y, it certainly knows how to pull at your heartstrings sometimes.

  • Mr 16's repeated breakdowns over the loss of his 'brother'. He usually dumps it all on Chopper, but when Chopper isn't around...
    • His flashback dream sheds some light on this, and it doesn't get better. He was so happy, and cocky, and then Chopper (both eyes intact) runs in, Mr 4's shirt...
    • The reactions to the death are gut-wrenching. From angry outbursts, to denial, to total breakdowns - the remaining 26 mutineers realise their own mortality. And it only goes downhill from there.
  • Ripley happily declares their trust in Dodge, even after being maimed by the mob and Bunny, sincerely seeming to believe that everything'll be okay as long as Dodge is here - until Rupert busts the door open, the loud noise causing them to die of heart failure.
    • The final speech is absolutely heart-wrenching. Here's a mutineer who sincerely believes in the Mutiny, and in Dodge, and never stopped believing, "Not even for a second," even in death.
    • The delivery of this pun also tweaks the heart-strings - they're trying too hard to make one last joke. For what reason? Just for the sake of it? Or to try and motivate/cheer up their friends?
    Ripley: I-I mean, I lost two fingers... b-but on- the- the- on the other hand... (heh) I'm completely f-fi-
  • Dodge tries, and fails, to talk an emotionally exhausted Big Blue out of suicide by angry mob. As he protests, she delivers a tearful speech about how draining the horrors and disappointments of Gehren Island are, before delivering these final words:
    Big Blue: Let me rest.
  • Chopper's horror as he realises that Dodge is trapped in the Repulsion Zone. Likely forever. And all he has to remember him by is his hook arm, which he was holding when he was dragged away.
    • Chopper's hallucination sequence when he talks about his ideal life with Dodge is pretty weepy, too. Especially when he admits that he never really believed in the mutiny - only its leader.
  • Bunny is absolutely terrified when the apartment block is blown up, with Chopper inside. And the idea of having poor, cute Chopper die in such a way is too much to bear. Luckily, he survived, but the sight of Bunny collapsing, clutching his hat...
  • Bunny, while crawling through the vents, peers through a grate to see Mr 16, curled up and sobbing in front of his dead brother's shirt.
  • Dr. Spindle's accident. The segment is filled with bright colours and Spindle is continuously portrayed as a hopeful, loveable entertainer, so seeing him mutilated almost beyond recognition and traumatised to the point of totally breaking is incredibly upsetting.
