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Tear Jerker / Alice Isn't Dead

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • In Part 1 Episode 5, the Narrator comes across a series of billboards with random names. A Google search shows her that these names are victims of the Thistle Man, brutally eaten like Earl in the first episode. Towards the end of the episode, she comes across a sign that's freshly erected and goes in for a closer look. And then, for the next twenty seconds, the Narrator breaks down sobbing and can't even speak. The words on the billboard? "Miss you, Chanterelle. Go home." It's a message from Alice herself, warning the Narrator to stop looking for her. The last few minutes of the episode has the Narrator audibly emotional for the first time since the series began.
    • Even worse, this is the episode that the Narrator discovers that Alice's so-called business trips were lies to cover up whatever she was doing for Bay & Creek Shipping. Alice has basically been lying to her for the entirety of their relationship.
  • The death of Sylvia.
    "Guess that was my life," she said.
    "It's not like that," I said back, cradling her head.
    "Oh, it is. And it wasn't too long of a life."
