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Tear Jerker / A Bronx Tale

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • C’s group sees a group of black people passing through the Bronx and decide to beat them down. C is no racist but can’t do much to stop it except pin one of them down to spare him further harm, and he even has to stop Slick from bashing his head in with a trash can. Also, Jane’s brother Willy was that man.
    • When Jane confronts C over the beating, Willy is so blinded by anger he points the finger at C who tried to protect him. Things get so heated C shouts the ‘N’ word, causing Jane to leave in tears.
  • The deaths of C’s friends. While it’s clear they had it coming, it serves as a sad and grim reminder of what happens when hate and racism is taken to the extreme. What’s worse is they would’ve taken C down with them if Sonny hadn’t intervened in time.
  • Sonny's death. Calogero just learned that Sonny saved his life and rushes over to the bar to thank him. There he sees Sonny's assailant walk right behind him with a gun as Sonny happily calls Calogero over. Calogero tries to warn him but it's too late.
