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Tear Jerker / Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo! The Movie: Happy Birthday in the Land of Sweets

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  • It's a little sad to see Nozomi's initial birthday party that everyone worked so hard on trashed.
  • Nuts and Coco reassuring Chocola and almost getting her to confess what's really going on.
  • Chocola running off in tears and telling Nozomi to leave her alone.
  • Syrup blaming Chocola for the mess they're in and Chocola once more tearfully running off.
  • Nozomi confessing to Chocola that she's scared because she's alone and does not have her other friends with her.
  • Chocola pleading with her mother to wake up.
    Chocola: Mother, it's me, Chocola. Please open your eyes!
  • This exchange after Shining Dream finishes off Mushiban with her Starlight Solution.
    Mushiban: I can't believe something like this could have so much power...Is it the same for sweets? Is it true that sweets taste better when you share them with everyone?
    Shining Dream: (tears up and nods)
    Mushiban: I see... (Disappears into Light)
