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Tear Jerker / Yandere High School

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Spoilers Off applies to all Tear Jerker pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

Main Series

  • It is actually kinda sad to see Gareth hanging in the classroom. Sam is so shocked that he doesn't know what to do at first.
  • Finding Salex after a car crash. For the rest of the day, Taurtis is mourning her death. It doesn't help that earlier, they find an eviction notice and a lawsuit from Doritos.
  • Pepe Frogman's first day of school. He tries to get run over by the train and thinks about jumping off the second story of the school. Even though Sam and Taurtis try to be nice to him and make him feel better, it doesn't help him.
  • The finale of Tokyo Ghoul season 1. It's oddly sad to think that Sam and his friends are basically stuck in purgatory, unable to die, unable to age, and with very little to do. Also, the fact that everyone else is dead because of what Sam and Grian inadvertently caused.
