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Tear Jerker / Wonder Woman: Dead Earth

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Oh man. It would be faster just to say everything...

  • An apt summary of the story's conflict: "They don't deserve you, Diana."
  • All the heroes and villains are dead or have moved on to more appreciative worlds. Some of the ones that stayed tried to help, like Batman, and no one knew what happened to Superman.
  • In the flashback at the beginning of Issue #4, Batman retrieves the unconscious Diana and brings her to the Batcave to recover. Dying from radiation sickness, he bitterly admits that he wishes he could just let her die for what she did, but also knows that she's the only one who can fix it, and he takes one last drink before slumping over dead on his couch.
  • Diana giving the Haedras one last chance to yield and surrender. When Hippolyta refuses to stand down, Diana apologizes before completely pummeling her mutated "sisters", including Nubia. When she gets to Hippolyta, her mother breaks down and asks her if it's really come to this, being personally put in the ground by her own daughter. Diana stands down and answers no, never, and pleads with her mother one last time to seek peace with the humans. Hippolyta, mournful and humiliated at having lost everything, still refuses and slinks away into the sea to never be seen again, while Diana quietly answers as she leaves that she'll always have her.
    Diana: You're right, mother. They turned you into a victim. They turned me into a victim. [strikes her down with her skeleton lasso] But you always had a choice.
    Hippolyta: [humiliated, and brought to her knees] Is this it? The moment you strike your own mother down?
    Diana: [after a quiet moment, she lowers herself to her mother's level and gently holds her face] Never. There's so much good in them, mother. If you could just—
    Hippolyta: [about to break into tears] No. No. Do not speak to me of good! [turns herself away from Diana's touch] Diana, look at me! Look at what they made me! [begins to slither back into the ocean as Diana can only watch] I've lost... myself... ...everything... gone... [her figure gradually disappears into the sea]
    Diana: [to herself, with tears forming in her eyes] You still have me, mother. [buries her face in her hands as we cut away to Diana standing in front of the massacre of her sisters] You'll always have me.
