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Tear Jerker / Without a Hive

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  • The death of Princess Ceymi. She personified the nobility of her species, and she gave her life for her students and ''daughter,'' even though the last shouldn't have meant that much to a Changeling (there were hints that it did to Ceymi, though.
  • The horrible moment when Meadow Song reveals to Spark Wheel that she is and always has been a Changeling. Worse because she has to do it quickly and because her own feelings of guilt for having started as a False Friend to Spark cause her to take precious seconds to inform him of this in particular. And still worse because she then has to flee — she can't explain anything further beyond telling him "I love you." It's far from obvious if, in Spark's state, he's even paying attention, let alone believing her, at that point. Nor is it ever revealed in-story.
