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Tear Jerker / With A Snap

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  • The effects of the “snap” across the multiverse, the effects of watching countless worlds and people suddenly get dusted. There are over 45 worlds shown and beloved character get dusted or watch those they love become dust. It is often heart wrenching, even the after affects can hit hard.
    • Marinette besides being orphaned loosing Tikki also watches as her crush turns to dust before her.
    • Marco and Hekapoo have to watch as their daughter turns to dust as she cries and begs them to save her.
    • Kim Possible the girl who can do anything, is left almost catatonic and crying when Wade reaches her. She had to watch Ron, her life long companion best friend and husband go before her along with their twin babies.
    • Gabriel Agreste despite being the bad guy is so driven by despair at the loss of his son that he was planning on ending it all.
    • K loved her family so much that loosing them all… well, he friends had to stop her from making a serious mistake.
  • Charmcaster and Gwen are long time enemies but they’ve had their moments. In this story, they’ve gotten much more friendly while working together. Then Charmcaster sees a heavy pillar seemingly kill Gwen she’s devastated. She’s horrified that she will have to inform Gwen’s few reaming relatives.
  • Rose Quartz through a fluke is brought back when Steven was dusted. She is clearly shaken by it, she was ready to give up her life so Steven could be born. Now Steven is gone, most of her friends, and Greg. To her she gave up her life, and now she lost everything including what she sacrificed for.
