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Tear Jerker / What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse

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  • Kevin's despair at having to sell he and Kenneth's childhood home, in "Everything Went Green."
  • Cameron's mind snapping back to reality in "Rat Prince" after realizing he'd just gruesomely murdered his best and only friend, Brett. What makes this tragic is that it's his last sane thought.
  • The various threads of "Sic Itur Ad Astra" all end up this way.
    • Anne Ryan screaming hysterically at Irving Collins that her husband's death is all his fault.
    • The state senator's eulogy, where he declares that Tom Ryan "touched the face of God."
    • Tom Ryan's daughter not understanding why they have to bury her father.
  • Although it's complicated by the nature of their relationship, it's abundantly clear that the grief that Daniel feels over Scruggs' disappearance in "How Shadows Taste" is very real.
  • "Ursa Major" is another a story that is not a happy read.
    • Taylour's abuse at the hands of his uncle is heartbreaking enough, but the fact he was powerful enough to completely cover it up and then gaslight Taylour into silence makes it all the worse.
    • Taylour's broken memories of his parents and his once-happy childhood.
    • At the very end, when Taylour finds the missing photograph of he and his father.
      "Now he could see – now he could see just how much he looked like his daddy."
  • What happens to Jones after the events of "Upriver," both in the short and long term.
    • The dispersal of the tightknit group at Bernard's Landing after Mike Fischer's disappearance.
      • Part of this group was, of course, the Lightfoots and the Lynches, and the Lynches perishing in a car crash is the tragic start of what sets in motion the plot to The Dogs.
  • Despite what comes shortly after, the descriptions of now-vanished smalltown life in "Moonlight Films" are actually quite poignant.
    • The decline and death of Crossroads in "The Decaying Mall" is treated the same way.
