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Tear Jerker / Wayside

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    Season One 
Class Cow
  • The whole class (except Todd) crying when their substitute teacher Mrs. Bellamy leaves. She was just a cow that randomly wandered into the classroom, but still.
    • What follows is Todd's speech, with crosses over with Heartwarming.
    Todd: Uh, Mrs Bellamy? I, uh, can’t explain it, but our class—it''s now so different. Everyone seems so much more awake and confident; even more well-balanced emotionally. Some are even kinder. I mean, for the first time, Maurecia had a chance to punch me before and didn’t. Mrs Bellamy, somehow you really made a big difference around here. Before, I thought you were just some cow that wandered into our class, but now I realize you're a cow that wandered into our hearts.
Meet the Pets
  • It’s revealed that Todd’s goldfish King Arthur died, and he always blamed himself for not taking care of King Arthur and never felt good enough to take care of another pet.
  • Mrs. Jewls later takes the other children out to the playground and leaves Todd to take care of the pets but Todd accidentally startles the animals and they run away, causing him to scream a Big "NO!".
  • When Todd keeps failing to catch any pets he ends up giving up in a bathroom stall until King’s Arthur’s ghost emerges from the toilet and tells Todd his death wasn’t his fault.
    Todd: I was right all along. I really can’t take care of a pet. I’m not responsible enough. Those poor helpless creatures... what if they end up just like King Arthur?
    King Arthur: Todd, (emerges from the toilet) it is me, Don’t give up.
    Todd: King Arthur?
    King Arthur: Todd, I have come to tell you that my death was not your fault.
    • King Arthur then tells him he always took care of him and fish don’t last long.
  • Todd thinking Miss Mush turned Stephen’s orange into juice. Fortunately, she just left it alone.
Honours Class
  • Maurecia accidentally gets promoted to Honours Class in the 29th floor which is taught by Miss Mush, but she ends up missing Mrs. Jewls’ class.
    • Maurecia telling Todd she hates her new class, followed by Todd comforting her.
Cabbage My Boy
  • Todd looking through his family photo album.
    Todd: I hate being an only child.
  • Myron brings a cabbage to school and uses it as his baby brother, "Leafy", but it slowly starts to wilt and Todd tells him to put it away, which causes Myron to run off. Dana and Maurecia promptly call him out for it.
    • Later, Todd finds Myron sadly sitting on the 30th story stairway.
He Is ItBest Friendzzz
  • Dana and Myron ends up having a falling-out and Myron decides to replace Dana with Shari while using a “brain-listening glass” to communicate with her until Dana shatters it with her voice. Myron then cries and says nothing will be the same between him and Shari. Of course, his crying is fake and he and Dana make up.
Kindergarten King
  • Maurecia crying after the kindergarteners stop her from punching Todd.
Channel Kidswatter
  • Todd advertises some of his trinkets that he invented himself to some of his classmates, but fails to interest them.
  • Kidswatter hijacks the school television channel to air his own shopping channel so Maurecia and Jenny heads out to the roof to break the satellite while Todd goes to to the Principals office to stop him. Kidswatter later convinces Todd to advertise his trinkets but he only shows off a few products before Maurecia and Fluffy manage to knock the satellite off the roof, losing the T.V. signal in the process.
The Elevator
  • Though it’s played for laughs, Kidswatter crying when he ends up trapped in the elevator with Todd.
    • Also, he just gives up.
    Kidswatter: Alas, I’m too sad to even be sad, or even need a bathroom. Touché, my four cornered foe—you win. This is all my fault. The Wayside School, the Wayside elevator, the Wayside goozack. I’m just one big Wayside failure.
Mamaland Blues
  • Dana realizing she’s not related to Miss Mush.
  • Miss Mush’s ancestor crying out of loneliness.
Rat in Shining Armour
  • Maurecia thinking Todd is “breaking up” with her after he tells her he needs a break. You seriously can't help but feel sorry for her when she breaks down crying...
Todd Falls in Love
  • When Todd declares he would do anything than be Maurecia’s boyfriend, he decides to prove it by eating Miss Mush’s mushroom surprise which makes him fall in love with Mrs. Jewls. Maurecia ends up being dejected and tries to punch Todd, only to not bring herself to do it, giving up.
    Myron: Hey, Aren’t you gonna punch him?
    Maurecia: No, I-I can’t. He’s hurt me too much for me to hurt him today.
Music Lessons
  • Myron finds a nose flute called the Strumplefloozle that can control other people but Kidswatter hears it and tells him to stop as it makes the cows tear up the school. Kidswatter tries to play the song the song that stops the cows, but fails, and the cows end up eating the entire school. Fortunately, Myron mournfully plays the Strumplefloozle which ends up being the fix-it song that restores Wayside to normal.
Todd & Bull Story
  • A small one, but Mr Kidswatter crying on the P.A. every year on “La Boca Loca Day” which was the anniversary of when he lost a bullfighting match.
Louis Gets Some Class
  • Louis getting fired. The expression on his face after turning in his whistle says it all.
    • Louis failing his final exam. Fortunately, it turns out Kidswatter was the one who didn’t graduate.
My Fluffy Hair
  • Maurecia’s porcupine Fluffy running away after Maurecia replaces photos in an album of him with Todd.
    • And right after he leaves, Maurecia puts up a new photo album to put his pictures in only to realize he’s missing.
  • Maurecia failing to find Fluffy and returning to the classroom crying.
    Season Two
"My success has become my failure."

My Biggest Fan

  • Myron realizing that Mr. Kidswatter doesn’t really know his name.
Kidswatter: The Movie
  • Mr. Kidswatter assigns Mrs Jewls’ class to make a movie about him with Todd as the lead role but he starts acting too much like Kidswatter and fires the film crew which leaves him all alone in the set.
    • Then there’s this exchange.
    Mr Kidswatter: Papaya pink.
    Todd: Huh?
    Mr Kidswatter: Papaya pink. It’s my favourite colour.
    Todd: Oh, I didn’t know that.
    Mr Kidswatter: See? You know nothing about me, or anyone else in this school for that matter. (walks out of the room)
    • The fact that Kidswatter didn’t bump into the door. He just quietly leaves.
Be True To Your Elf
  • Stephen reading Mr Kidswatter’s note claiming that the students want him to be normal.
Extracurricular Ridicular
  • Todd being in tears over Myron accidentally launching the former's rocket with Kidswatter inside it.
Wayside Christmas
  • Myron buying two gifts for himself instead of buying one for Bebe as a Secret Santa. Bebe then gives him a drawing of her face with a single tear. Myron then realizes how upset everyone is and runs away.
  • After some hijiinks, Myron thinks he’s stuck in the Christmas Carol and ends up in the empty classroom which he mistakes for the future, and blames himself for his lonely future.
Snow Day
  • When the classroom ends up being snowed in thanks to the malfunctioning air conditioner which traps the students in the room, the class splits into two groups led by Todd and Maurecia respectively. Maurecia and Todd later fight each other by rolling up in giant snowballs and destroying Myron’s “Snowfriends” before he tells them to stop. He was talking about his Snowfriends, but still.
    Myron: Stop! What are you doing? You’ll destroy us all!
Myth of Nick
  • Everyone being bummed after Todd “debunks” the Nick stories.
Kidswatter’s Opus
  • Kidswatter substitutes for Mrs Jewls when she is absent until she returns to take her class back, but as soon as they leave, he starts missing them and paints a picture of him teaching them while crying.
Slow Mo Mo
  • Maurecia realizing how alone she is when Todd lets her reaches the top floor.
Imperfect Attendance
  • Maurecia crying over Fluffy being missing.
  • Dana feeling guilty about abandoning her friends in their time of need. Fortunately, the guilt drives her to ignore maintaining her perfect attendance record and she goes back to help them- and still makes it back to class before the bell rings thanks to a helium-filled ball.
