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Tear Jerker / Undead Darlings

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Arc Scenes

  • At one point during Cici’s second Arc scene in Yuurei High School, Reggie reads a description of Cici’s birth video(as she remembers it) in Verbnounia. In it, her mother is about to give birth, and her father, who is recording the event, are initially happy and excited for her birth. However, her mother starts having complications, the doctor calling for a nurse after emerging from under the sheet heavily covered in blood, and her parents are no longer smiling or excited at their new daughter’s birth when camera starts recording again after a bit, instead both crying. The description ends with it saying that the rest had been recorded over with a polo match(and Cici herself mentioning that the entire real video was recorded over after she asked about it). Though not stated directly, what happened was that whatever complications occurred caused Cici’s mother to be unable to have children again. Cici goes on to say that it's 'her fault' that she doesn't have a brother, which she implies that her parents wanted as a male heir.
  • In Pearl's second Arc scene in Beastmooreland Hospital, she opens up to Reggie about her father, his drunkenness, and his physical/verbal abuse towards her and her mom.
    • She mentions one incident that, after shoving her out of the way to get a drink, which sent her off crying, he got into an argument with Pearl's mom, throwing a bottle that just missed her, and then both slapping her and knocking her over a coffee table while Pearl watched from between the stair's banisters, running off to her room and locking the door in fear.
    • After that, she tells Reggie another story from around when she was 6 that she was scared to tell him about: sometime after her dad ended up giving her mom a bruise, and it being passed off as a bee sting(which she was allergic to), she knocks over and breaks a glass he was drinking from out of anger(she claims she doesn't know what came over her at the time), and he makes her pick up the pieces by hand. She both gets cuts from the glass and alcohol in them, leaving the carpet full of a mixture of booze and blood. Her father then squeezes her hands together, which were holding the pieces of glass, which cut further into her hands, making her scream in pain. He eventually stops, comes to his senses, and has her mother take her to the hospital since he was too drunk to drive. She ended up having to take a lot of physical therapy to gain her hand's motor skills back, which she told Reggie was her 'studying abroad', and this was the real reason why she had some issues with cooking and using utensils, and wasn't good with violence.
  • Kairi's story of how she turned, told to Reggie in her 3rd/final Arc Scene. Her family, who, thanks to their connections, had advance warning of the outbreak and barricaded themselves to stay safe, and also took in her cousin's family. However, her cousin Takeru started getting sick, but it wasn't obvious that it was the same virus they were taking shelter from, so they had no idea he was slowly turning. Kairi found out he got infected when she washed him, as he was becoming too weak to do it himself, but he asked her to not tell anyone, which she complied. He eventually passed away, and then turned soon after, then attacking and infecting the rest of the family(and may have possibly killed some). Kairi, feeling guilty, decided to end his suffering, and possibly die with him, hugged him one last time before stabbing him in the head, but he was able to both bite her and scratch at her eye, causing her to turn and her eye to die.

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