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Tear Jerker / Transverse

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''Spoilers herein will be untagged. Proceed at your own risk.

  • Gotagash's past is revealed as he begins to lose control of his body. He begs Meatgirl to leave, sobs about how much it hurts, and recalls how Gotan and Gash Apon tried to embrace in their terror...
  • Gash opens the door.
    Gotagash: You're right. I am worth something... I'm worth about ¥300
  • Edna Cation is introduced as a funny, cute tutorial character in the same vein as Dr Realz... but within moments she's on the ground, begging for her life and pleading with Meatgirl not to abandon her. Her terror over being 'disposable' is heartwrenching.
  • The terrifying Dr Lordsky's physical form cracks due to purification... revealing a frightened, surprised 13 year old boy who just wants to go home. He just thinks his character 'did something weird' and has no idea of the horrors Vitaly committed.
  • Allegro is a tragic character. She unsubtly suggests that she wants Meatgirl to kill her to free her from the misery of being a computer. This comes to a new level, however, during Chapter 2A, when she realises that Sally's alive, and asks to speak to her...
