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Tear Jerker / Todd McFarlane's Spawn

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  • The first episode of Season 1, we see Spawn taking care of goons in an alleyway, as the last man accidentally lights himself on fire, Spawn's memories flood back to him, mainly of his own death and his wife. After the man's burnt to death and the memories stop flashing, it cuts back to Spawn...on his knees, crying out in agony for someone "he came back for".
  • The ending of Season 1 of Spawn. "The sad man". After Al was killed, his wife Wanda remarried to Al's best friend Terry, with whom they had a daughter together named Cyan. In the first season finale, Spawn managed to save Cyan from a kidnapping, and just before he returns her to the police, he gives her his old wedding ring, which Wanda recognizes instantly. If knowing that he can only watch his old love again from afar isn't enough, hearing him whisper her name in the shadows and, for the first time in the series, look genuinely sad, it's just... too much...
    • It’s quite profound that Cyan, a little girl, is able to recognize that Al is genuinely sad underneath it all. She is the one to refer to him as the “sad man” when Wanda asks her who rescued her/gave her the wedding ring. It takes the innocence of a child to acknowledge the deep pain that our hero is in, pain that is otherwise not acknowledged by supporting characters (and most of them wouldn’t care otherwise).
  • In Episode 5 of Season 2, Spawn tries to contact Wanda. After he saves her from two assailants, he turns to face her, only to see her run in terror from him. The soft pleading in Keith David's voice seals it:
    Spawn: Wanda, I just want to talk to you, please! I would never hurt you... I only want to protect you!
  • You wouldn't think it, but when Twitch gets shot in the head, Sam takes it the hardest and even starts to cry. You wouldn't be blame for thinking he's grieving over a dead relative.
