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Tear Jerker / The Spectacular Now

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  • The sequence with Sutter's dad slowly becomes this. He promises Sutter and Aimee that he'll meet them back at his place in an hour. They're shown clearly having waited there for a while, Aimee still trying to be hopeful and saying they should wait a little longer. They find him right back at the bar, having forgotten all about them. Earlier than that is the fact that he ditches them and leaves them to pick up the tab. The director was moved by the subtly sad ad-lib of Sutter and Aimee trying to pool enough money together to pay.
  • The little shouting match Sutter has with Aimee in the car - not just because it's hard to see such a sweet girl like Aimee being yelled at. It shows a lot about Sutter's character. He can't think why Aimee isn't mad at him for nearly getting them into a car crash - because he can't believe that anyone would love him that much.
  • Sutter's mother giving him a list of good things he did for people - doing her very best to convince him that he is nothing like his father. When a classmate was on crutches, Sutter carried his books for him. When a girl's mother died, he offered to let her come live with him. As she tells these things, Sutter eventually breaks down crying in her arms.
