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Tear Jerker / The Professionals

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For the TV series:

  • The end of "The Madness of Mickey Hamilton". Doyle confronts Hamilton in the attics of a conference hall, calms him down and persuades him that killing lots of doctors is not going to save or avenge his daughter. Hamilton hands over the device and comes down with Doyle. As soon as he steps out into the hall he's shot by a trigger-happy policeman. He dies in Doyle's arms, making him promise to be with Cathy.
  • Near the end of "Discovered in a Graveyard" the young woman who nearly murdered Doyle is shot trying to escape. Bodie tracks her down to her embassy where she is placed outside and Bodie is told he 'can do whatever he likes to her'. Bodie carefully picks her up and calls an ambulance to try and save her. Her last act before death is to ask if Doyle will be alright.
    • That episode is a full on Tear Jerker from a silly, entertaining show. Bodie's insistence that Doyle will pull through even when he's at death's door speaks volumes about how close they are. When Doyle wakes up long enough to give Bodie a clue about his attacker the speed at which he runs to decipher it is astounding. His face just screams for Doyle to pull through.
    • The end of that episode when Bodie wheels Doyle out of the hospital is both a Tear Jerker and a Heartwarming Moment.
  • In "Blind Run", CI5 agent Charlie gets shot through the lung while impersonating the mysterious Arab dignitary they're bodyguarding, and just wants to know if the man they were protecting was so important that his death will be meaningful. Bodie can only urge him not to die as he has no idea himself.

For the Film:
