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Tear Jerker / The Nightingale (2019)

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  • Any time Clare or Mangana sing. They're both people whose entire cultures have been destroyed by Britain, even down to the language - Irish was only narrowly saved from extinction, and the Tasmanian languages actually went extinct, surviving only as the reconstructed Palawa kani.
  • While he killed Clare’s baby, it’s hard not to feel bad for Jago. He’s a young, inexperienced soldier and he was clearly too terrified of his Lieutenant to speak up when he and Ruse killed Clare’s husband. He didn’t want to kill the baby, he only wanted to quiet her down and he clearly felt horrible afterwards. It’s clear that he was a decent person who was simply too scared to do the right thing. In a way, he too is a victim of Hawkins.
  • Eddie begging Hawkins to give him another chance after he was unable to go through with shooting Billy. Worse yet, Hawkins insists that he’ll ensure the boy receives another five years for his prison sentence. This is a mere child who has been sentenced to suffer in a godforsaken land, it’s no wonder he breaks down at the prospect that his freedom will be further delayed. And if Hawkins wasn’t enough of a bastard before, he shoots Eddie dead as he was annoyed by the boy’s pleading.
  • Billy breaking down at the table of the elderly couple that let him and Clare stay the night. As he cries, he states that the land they’re on is his country. He has had to witness his people pushed to the brink of extinction and suffer inhumanity after inhumanity. What truly makes it hurt is the idea that this was once the land of his people and now they are nearly gone.
