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Tear Jerker / The Mysterious Mr. Enter

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Like The Nostalgia Critic, The Mysterious Mr. Enter has a great understanding of writing and critiquing, a skill with blasting the worst of the worst, and even a way with tugging at the heartstrings.

  • Also the end of his review on "It's a Wishful Life" saying how depressing it is. Worse, it has "Viva La Vida" as credits music.
  • Also, the end of his original "Putting Your Hoof Down" review where he almost goes into a Despair Event Horizon explaining how much he hates the episode, even adding the infamous Dead Island trailer music, and in the credits adding a photograph of Fluttershy with "Always stay kind" written on it torn in half.
    Onscreen Text: D-do you hate her?
    Mr. Enter: I can't, but now I guess I have an understanding if you choose to.
  • He's since made it a tradition to add tearjerking music every time he gives an MLP episode a zero star rating, which as of this writing happened to only one other episode.
    • The reverse was true when he reviewed "Twilight's Kingdom", where he didn't even use the points system, and gave it a perfect rating, using the music from Last of the Starmakers at the very end.
  • In his "Top Ten Patrick's a Prick Episodes", Patrick's line in the #1 pick, "The Card" about how he deliberately acted stupid, prompts Mr. Enter to, with utter appall, consider Patrick a sociopath who knows full well how destructive his moronic antics are and doesn't care. In the resulting "The Reason You Suck" Speech, he reveals that his beloved dog was named "Patrick" after him. When he reaches that point, he ends up at a loss for words, and simply decides to wrap up the review. The usual ending note says that the next video will be "something light" to recuperate and reiterates how much the video hit home for him. But it's perhaps The Stinger that really makes it clear how utterly derailed Patrick was in that episode.
  • A minor one, but in the video of "Shorty McShorts' Shorts", he expresses his disappointment about how two of the shorts (Too Many Robots and Flip-Flopped) were executed terribly, despite their concepts being sound. He caps it off by uttering a well-known phrase:
    Mr. Enter: Nothing is sadder than wasted potential.
  • In his Breadwinners review, his lament over how far Nick has fallen from the classic shows he loved is very somber and depressingnote .
  • Mr. Enter's breakdown from the ocean of puke in his Mega Babies review. It seemed like he wasn't acting, but was genuinely scarred by the scene. It was, however, followed by a Moment of Awesome, when the Crazy Old Man encouraged him to continue the review and fight for what he believes in.
  • His review of "Ren Seeks Help" qualifies, with him saying that unlike "A Pal for Gary" or other episodes, he felt destroyed after watching it and says it has the power to change you.
  • The "When He Loved Me" sequence from his "To Love a Patty" reviewnote , in which he plays the aforementioned song during a montage of scenes from "Rock-A-Bye Bivalve" intercut with the part in "To Love a Patty" where Spongebob kills a bunch of scallops. Afterwards, he notes that the scene is still horrifying even if none of those scallops was Junior.
  • His Troll review comes across as this when one considers that everything he has said has actually happened and that people continuously ignore or justify the "trolling" that leads to people's lives being destroyed. It gets even worse when one reads the comments on the video.
    Mr. Enter: This behavior has made me feel sorrow and sympathy for people I don't agree with on any points. People I personally don't even like. People I'd never want to meet in my life.
    • Later...
    Mr. Enter: This mentality, will not be tolerated here. These people, this is one of the worst mentalities I have ever seen in my life. One of the most destructive mentalities I have ever seen in my life. This isn't about limiting an art. This is about willingly hurting other people because you think it's funny. Willingly looking past the harm towards other human beings. People with lives and families, just because you think it's funny, or you think they deserve it, or whatever. No one deserves the shit that I have seen, no one does.
  • His response to fans asking him to review Where the Dead Go to Dienote . Suffice to say, it really broke him, considering it so bad that he had to do an in-person vlog to explain why he won't do an Animated Atrocity on it.
    • The fact that John has tackled "Ren Seeks Help", The Problem Solverz, and Breadwinners, and yet he considers this film too horrible to be labeled an Atrocity.
  • The end of The Fairly OddParents! episode “The Big Fairy Scare Share, where he laments on how the show has gone downhill and how unfathomable it has become for him. How he feels about one of his favorite shows decline in quality is pretty depressing, too;
    Mr. Enter: I know that this is hard to hear to some, but Fairly OddParents isn't even on life support anymore. IT IS DEAD. It has probably been dead since those live action movies. There are only two ways the show can keep going from now on. It can either be like The Simpsons and basically be a zombie, moving around without really breathing and doing literally nothing, just taking up air time for all of eternity, or it can be like Family Guy and keep trying to do desperate things to drag in more viewers, digging into lower and lower depths. I'm still waiting on Cletus the Rapping Shark. It's time to move on and leave this show in the past with any dignity that it might still have.
    • Just to drive the sadness, he played "My Shiny Teeth and Me," one of his favorite songs from the earlier seasons, in the end credits.
  • His "Further Thoughts on Peter-assment" video is an absolutely harrowing exposé on the damage that The Unfair Sex Double Standard has resulted in, such as how female-on-male rape was not legally recognized as rape until recently, resulting in cases of rapist women carrying a Child by Rape to term and legally forcing her victim to pay child support or be seen as a deadbeat dad. To say nothing of men being accused of pedophilia for coming to the aid of a child in need, which resulted in children dying because people were too afraid to help them.
  • Similarly, his "Further Thoughts on Homer Badman" has him explaining his feelings toward the possibility of either being raped by a woman or being falsely accused of rape, and discusses the hypothetical but all too realistic problems that would arise for him in this situations. In the former case, if his rapist becomes pregnant, he would be desperately trying to fight for full custody of the child, not wanting the child to be raised by a rapist—noting exactly how hard this would be because he would be forced to explain how his career is "yelling at SpongeBob for a living" and the fact that even if he did get full custody, he'd still be struggling as a fairly young single parent. And even if the rape doesn't result in pregnancy, he notes he would be treated as a joke for being raped by a woman. If he's falsely accused of rape? He describes a scenario wherein his channel is suspended, he's in very real danger of going to jail, will likely be registered as a sex offender for it, everything he's ever said would be used as evidence to further incriminate him, he's sure he'd end up wanting to kill himself and there would likely be people who genuinely want him to do it. If he manages to win his case and escape without punishment? Very few people would believe he's innocent, instead it would result in people insisting that the justice system has "failed the victim" and he'll be seen as a monster no matter what. His conclusion is ultimately that he'd rather be raped than falsely accused of rape, for the simple reason that...
    "I'd rather be seen as a joke than a monster."
  • In his "Top 11 Worst Episodes" list from 2013, he gives a shout out to Eddsworld by comparing it positively to the failed animated version of Ctrl+Alt+Del; after the shout out, he says: "And may Edd Gould rest in peace."
  • From watching his review of "Testing Testing, 1, 2, 3", his cynical tirade on how Twilight's original method of educating Rainbow Dash is the only accepted method of teaching students and how he dislikes the school system, especially since Mr. Enter had a terrible experience with school (he even goes so far as to say that the school system only works with Twilight's method of studying and that it fails you by design if you don't adhere to that one method).
    Mr. Enter: You know, if they worked in an American school and Twilight's study method didn't work for you, they'd shove it down your throat even harder. And if that didn't work, they'd blame you for failing their tests and probably hold you back until you accepted Twilight's method of teaching. If it never did, then congratulations, your future is ruined because you didn't fit the conventional mold. And if you did resonate with Twilight's method of teaching, they would artificially hold you back while shoving it down the throats of those that didn't resonate with it. And then they would put Pinkie Pie on ADHD medication.
  • In the credits for his review of The Telescope, he fears that he and Bojack are not so different, and he'll probably go down the same path.
  • In his review of Little Clowns of Happytown, he snaps when the mother of a handicapped child being concerned for them is portrayed as a bad thing. His subsequent speech makes it clear that it hit a little too Close to Home for him.
    • To a lesser extent, his ranting against the Mothers in the Totally Spies! episode Totally Busted! for being neglectful enough to buy the still-teenage girls their own house and tour Europe for a year, leaving their daughters with no parental supervision but still expecting their daughters to follow everything they say. One can feel it hit too Close to Home for him.
  • In the "One of the Boys" review, it's clear that he hates the contrast between Luna (one of his favorites on the show) and Luke and Leni (who he describes as one of the nicest characters and having a heart of gold) and Loni.
  • His video We Need to Talk is a heartfelt video involving Mr. Enter calmly talking about his feelings about his career. It tends to get rather depressing, if not outright sobering at some points.
  • Mr. Enter sounding almost on the verge of tears at the end of his The Emoji Movie review. It is also important to note that sad piano music (specifically the Agniratha [Night] theme) starts playing in the background around the 40:30 mark.
    Mr. Enter: Normally I don’t like to review lowest common denominator mockbusters that aren’t worth my time, but The Emoji Movie deserves livid infamy. I want Sony to remember this for a long time to come. I want them to hold it up as warning to their future creative decisions. To let it be a guiding light in the correct direction. I never want Sony, or any other studio, to do something like this ever again. And I am sure that most people are on the same page. And you don’t give that, by giving the Emoji Movie a pass as being not that bad. It is a tedious, slow, insulting, cliched, awful, insidious, piece of shit that should have never been made. And I have absolutely no reservations and no hesitation in saying that it is the worst animated film that I have ever seen.
  • Quite a good number in his Alter Ego (1986) playthrough. Enter does note that some events can be Close to Home for certain people (e.g. a domestic dispute).
    • Gabriella the goldfish passing away in the infancy stage is a relatable situation for anyone.
    • In the adolescence stage, Enter's character gets depressed after a group of kids he doesn't know make fun of him.
    • Immediately after, a friend of his attempts suicide.
    • During the young adulthood stage, Enter's in-game father ends up drinking heavily due to how stressful his job is, and ends up in an accident that takes his life.
    • The bittersweet fact that he was unable to procreate any children of his own (at least in this playthrough) note . By bittersweet, it means he adopted a child a little later.
    • Because of his thanatophobia note , he quivers and chokes up at the idea of dying during the final stage (old age). He explains this when he completes the game, and also says that it hits harder when he reads such ideas out loud.
  • Enter's Broken Pedestal regarding Extra Credits in a two-part episode "Designing Ethical Web Series" and "Political and Hypocritical" regarding their selling out and not sticking up for the little guy as they used to. His final statement on them is a brutal Call-Back to earlier when they claimed "video games can do better".
  • The final few minutes of his Atrocity review of Anywhere But Here have Enter give a poignant discussion about adulthood, concluding with a message about finding your happy ending. It hits even harder if you were having hard times around the video’s release.
  • Enter's top pick for his top ten worst cartoons of the 2010s is modern Family Guy. This itself isn't what pulls at the heartstrings. What does invoke this is the sobering monologue Enter goes into about how Seth MacFarlane desperately needs to move on from Family Guy, since the show has been in a downward spiral for as long as he can remember. As Enter says, MacFarlane should move onto better things and let the show die, or else MacFarlane will largely be remembered as the mind behind the travesty that is modern Family Guy.
    • How much does he hate the show now? He won't even do Admirable Animations on episodes he legitimately likes, such as "Road to Rhode Island", "PTV", or "And Then There Were Fewer", because the whole series has been tarnished for himnote .
    • On a similar note, his pick for the fourth-worst cartoon of the 2010s, The Powerpuff Girls (2016). Due to the many Unfortunate Implications and bad decisions in the show, he feels like the writers of the reboot hated the original show and were deliberately trying to destroy the franchise, with Enter ending the entry by saying that he doesn't want anything to do with the The Powerpuff Girls franchise anymore because of it. On top of that, John actually sounds genuinely angry when criticizing the show during this scene.
  • Mr. Enter's The Lion King (2019) Animated Atrocities review has some sad moments, including Mr. Enter's 18-year-old self inadvertently bringing up his 28-year-old self's Broken Pedestal for not only Extra Credits, but also Doug Walker and JK Rowling and seeing both of his adult selves contrasting with his child self's cheeriness and energy. The former hits especially hard, as teen Mr. Enter mentions that Extra Credits was helping him through the stressful period he's been going through—adult Mr. Enter evidently can't bring himself to inform his younger self that this isn't going to last.
    • Teenage Enter also implies he considered suicide, when he briefly wonders if he "made the right choice" after present Enter starts to get him down, to which the latter, despite his current pessimistic attitude, immediately tells him "No, you made the right choice."
  • For his 10th anniversary, Mr. Enter called himself out for his ten worst episodes. This is capped off with one long apology for his behavior during COVID. He admits that the epidemic and his experiences during it broke him, turning him into someone so horrible that he doesn't blame anyone who permanently cut ties with him over it. That's a horrible thing to come to terms with.
    Mr. Enter: The first video that I made on the subject was angry. Most of them were. It got to the apex with the PSAs video, which is probably the angriest that I have… ever been on record, probably even more angry than I was in “Screams of Silence.” Like, with real, genuine anger. And it was a time when anger was the last thing that the world needed. The world at large had plenty of anger. It did not need mine in any way, shape, or form. And the kicker, why this made it to the top of the list, is that I knew this! I knew that there was too much anger. A lot of people distanced themselves from me over the pandemic, and I don’t blame them. I distanced myself from many others, and I did that more and more as my temper became hair-trigger. Even the slightest reminder of the horror outside my door set me off. I went to YouTubers and entertainers and such to escape, to have a moment of peace. And as time went on, all I seemed to get was reminders. I needed that escape that I was not getting, and it’s definitely what I needed to provide to other people. I could rattle off an endless list of reasons why I did this or said that, but I don’t think it matters because there really is none to justify it. A lot of people got to see my meltdowns firsthand, and what was going on behind the screen was even worse than I let on. The summer of 2020 was the most depressed that I had ever been in my entire life, and around that time I had even begun developing obsessive-compulsive disorder. And while these are definitely troubling things, they’re not an excuse for what I said and they’re not an excuse for what I’ve done, never mind about how I went about doing and saying these things. From the very beginning, I have always stood by the mantra that “I am in control of what I do.” My actions are not my mental illnesses. My actions are me. And this is something that I am desperately trying to work on. I’m hoping that I haven’t fucked up too much too permanently. I’m an entertainer YouTuber guy, one who got too cocky after too many “Homer Badmans,” “Screams of Silences,” and “Technocracies.” I lost the point in the shuffle. If I was really annoyed by constant reminders to do this or not do that, I should have been making that escapist content that I desperately needed, not projecting my trauma onto everyone else. If it was getting to me so badly that people were acting like the world was ending, I should have been the person saying that it wasn’t.
