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Tear Jerker / The Living Wake

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  • The ending of the living wake.
  • The librarian taking K. Roth's books and promising to do what she can to get them in the library.
  • K. Roth's despair towards the end of his wake, when he realizes his life has been meaningless.
  • Mills silently crying over K. Roth after he dies.
  • "Dressed For Death" is a cheery, optimistic tune, but also quite morbid.
  • K. Roth's mother after he dies, when she earlier didn't believe him when he said he was dying. "I'm sorry."
  • The final shot of K. Roth's body being put on a boat and lit on fire, just like he wanted.
  • Mills's eulogy for K. Roth. Mills and K. Roth are both sobbing by the end.
  • Even the very beginning is sad, with that montage of K. Roth getting dressed and ready for his last day, with that mournful, instrumental rendition of "Dressed For Death" playing. The whole thing feels very empty and downcast, especially on a second viewing. It's just so... sad.
