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Tear Jerker / The Legends of Treasure Island

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  • The implications of the 13th episode on the fate of Jim's father. Jim sees the spirit of his father as he is losing to Long John Silver before it fades away, implying that his father may have passed away while Jim was on the island. Is it any wonder Jim lets out a Big "NO!"?
  • Jim befriends a small devil who had some empathy for Jim. However, when Jim's about to be sent to Hell in Silver's place, the little guy makes a Heroic Sacrifice and helps Jim escape. Jim's sad look on what happened to it says it all.
  • What happened to Emily and her father at the beginning of the episode. Poor girl. Both were separated when the ship crashed and they died. It becomes a little better when it's shown that Emily and her father, after the music box was being burnt, reunited and went up together to the afterlife.
  • When Jane gets poisoned, Jim and Ben search for the medicine, however during the trip to gain the medicine, some of it is accidentally lost. And despite what little left of the antidote was used, Jane (seemingly) wasn't waking up. Poor Jim was even starting to cry because he lost part of the medicine.
  • The death of Captain Smollett in the hands of Pew. After all that happened is over, the crew hold a funeral for the captain in a potent manner. Ben even mentions that Smollett would've been proud of Jim.
