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Tear Jerker / The Legend of Mr. Satan

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Warning! As per policy, Moment Subpages are Spoilers Off. You Have Been Warned.

  • The death of Miguel, Mr. Satan's wife. Especially since it's so... mundane. No big dramatic scene or fight. Simply a virus that caused a heart failure and an offscreen death. We're only shown her grave and her husband's and her daughter's grief.
  • Mr. Satan's death and Yamcha's eulogy for him. His funerals count too. They double as Heartwarming Moments.
  • It's brief, but when Future Trunks go back to his era, we learn that Future Mr. Satan died in an attack of the Androids.
  • Page 106 reveals that Future Chichi died alone in Future Trunks' timeline. The narration remains ambiguous on whether this was a natural death or a suicide.
