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Tear Jerker / The Langoliers

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  • All of the major character deaths, and their respective last words where applicable.
    • First, poor Craig Toomy. With his life already ticking away after Albert crushes his skull with a toaster, Craig fruitlessly tries to run from the titular Langoliers and dies screaming pitifully to the hallucinations of his Abusive Parents.
      Craig: No.... No..... No.... Daddy, no.... Make them go away! Please make them go away! I'll be good! I'll be a good boy! Please, I promise, I'll be good if you just MAKE THEM GO AWAY
    • Second, Dinah, who quietly succumbs to a punctured lung on the plane. It's worth noting that her death is arguably one of the only things the miniseries does right.
      Dinah: I saw. I saw through Mr. Toomy's eyes. Everything was beautiful - even the things that were dead. It was so wonderful know...just to see.
      • And she dies before ever getting her surgery, which she may or may not be able to completely see.
    • Lastly, Nick, who goes out in a Heroic Sacrifice worthy of a soldier, successfully carrying his people back through the time rip at the cost of his own life. As above, Nick's death is another one of the few things the miniseries actually pulls off, even if it is just for Mark Chapman's performance.
      Nick: Oh my God, so BEAUTIFUL!
    • And even though he's a comparatively minor character, the death of Don Gaffney is also very tragic. He dies by getting stabbed in the back by Craig Toomy. The reason he wanted to fly to Boston in the first place was to see his first granddaughter, and he never gets the chance.
    • Even more worse tear jerker, borderlining on Fridge Horror, when you take into account all the families of not just those who went through the rip into the past and died there like Gaffney, Dinah and Nick, but those who ceased to exist when the plane rip through the rip while they were still awake. Imagine someone you knew is coming to visit you, or is going somewhere, and the plane disappears. Then a while later, the plane and a small handful of people turn up. The NTSB begins to investigate and then find nothing that proves what the people on who came back stated happen, and you're left without answers as to what happened to the person you know. The families and friends of people on the plane will never get any answers as to what happened to them, and if they were told the truth, the story would be too fantastical to be believed.
