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Tear Jerker / The Great Discovery

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  • Thomas' increasing jealousy towards Stanley, leaving Thomas feeling left out.
    • Thomas sees Percy and Stanley laughing as they have a washdown. He tries to toot to Percy, but Percy is too busy giggling to notice him, and Thomas slumps away sadly.
    • Thomas watches Stanley pull Annie and Clarabel, who are having a blast.
    Gordon: Stanley knows how to have fun.
    • Stanley taking Thomas' berth at Tidmouth.
    • The final straw comes when when Stanley takes Thomas' place on supervising the Great Waterton restoration project. Thomas then decides to make Stanley look foolish by giving him a long freight train too heavy for him to pull. Unfortunately, the prank backfires as the coupling snaps and the trucks race down the hill, veering into a siding and crashing into the newly-built Great Waterton tower, and poor Thomas is left shunned.
      Thomas: The other engines don't want me around. They wish I wasn't here at all.
      • The engines' reaction on what Thomas had done was pretty sad, especially Percy and Toby's who don't appear to be angry but are in disbelief.
      James: Thomas doesn't like Stanley. That's why he shunted too many trucks for him.
      Toby: Why would Thomas do such a thing?
      Percy: Thomas would never do that.
      • Ironically the one engine not disturbed by Thomas' actions is Stanley himself, who quickly understands he just wanted some approval and feels sorry for him.
      • This narration:
      Narrator: Thomas had let down Sir Topham Hatt, he had let down the other engines, and he had let himself down. The other engines started to chuff away. No one spoke to Thomas. He was no longer in charge, and he felt he was no longer wanted.
  • The engines realizing that Thomas has gone missing. Percy's line in particular seals the deal.
    Edward: Sir, Thomas has disappeared.
    Emily: No one knows where he is.
    Percy: And I miss him.
    • Stanley's quote about Thomas who is still gone missing.
    Stanley: Thomas isn't a bad engine, he's a sad engine. I wonder if he has run away because he thinks no one likes him anymore.
