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Tear Jerker / The Dressmaker

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And how. Spoilers.

  • Tilly was sent out of her town, away from her mother, because of apparently murdering a classmate. No mention of the bullying she and others endured from him.
  • When Stewart grabs Tilly, she screams for Miss Harrideen, who purposely pulls her blinds down and completely ignores Tilly's cries for help.
    • When Stewart charges at her, she didn't want to move, as she was "waiting to die."
      • And, Miss Harrideen lied in her witness statement, ensuring that Tilly would be sent away and the entire town would vilify her.
  • Teddy drowning in the silo, just as Tilly's luck was turning around.
    • Neither Tilly nor her brother could attend his funeral, as the town shunned them both.
  • Molly suffering a stroke and passing away.
  • Molly announces to the townsfolk following Teddy's death:
    Molly: He died trying to prove his love for her was stronger than your hate. Anyone would die trying to prove that.
