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Tear Jerker / The Devices and Machinations of Lisa Loud

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  • The climax of the "repair gun" arc involves Lynn Jr. becoming seriously injured due to being reckless because of the gun. Lisa feels extremely guilty and afraid that using the repair gun on Lynn would make it worse. Luckily, it works and Lynn is fine.
  • In the "teleportation glove" arc, Lisa's tight schedule causes her to miss sleep, which leads to her making blunders and she cries, missing her old life when she got enough sleep and had extra free time.
  • Several in the "thermal distress detector" arc:
    • First off, Leni is miserable because her classmate Janna's dog died. Lisa tells Leni that death is irreversible.
    • Lori feels very sad because she's not sure she can handle getting a job when she's older.
    • In their argument, Lisa calls Leni "stupid" and Leni calls Lisa a "cold and heartless jerk". This leads to them both feeling really guilty.
  • In the gaming arc, Lincoln cries about not having much free time.
    Lincoln: (sobbing) "Why does showing care have to be so much work sometimes?"
