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Tear Jerker / The Death of Superman (1961)

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  • Lois, Jimmy, and Perry are captured and forced to watch as Luthor kills Superman, ensures he's the real thing, and makes sure he's definitely dead. At Luthor's trial, Lois is in tears as she recounts what happened.
  • The funeral scene is very moving, as world leaders, aliens, and every member of Superman's supporting cast turns out to mourn their fallen friend. Lois and Lana reflect on their love for Superman, Supergirl says the whole universe wasn't as big as his heart, and poor Krypto mourns his master.
  • The story ends on a very bittersweet note, as while Supergirl is able to fulfill the same duties her cousin does and is thanked by the populace for carrying on his legacy, she takes no pleasure in the honor that's now hers.
  • While the comic was originally intended to be an Imaginary Story where the odds were a million to one that it'd never happen, later this story was retconned to take place on Earth-149, meaning in one corner of the multiverse it did happen.
