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Tear Jerker / The Black Phone

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  • The flashback of Bruce Yamada as a younger child, developing his love for baseball and his bond with his parents, before he is ultimately kidnapped and murdered by the Grabber.
  • The porch lights clicking off after Finney escapes the Grabber's house for the first time; he's been screaming for help and it seems as if someone might come to his aid, but when the Grabber overtakes him and threatens him with a knife, he's forced to be quiet and those who might have helped him dismiss the incident. It really emphasizes how almost no one with actual power in the world is coming for him.
  • Finney breaking down when he cannot break through the other side of the wall, and he believes he will die there. He then hears one last phone call come through the black phone, and it is from Robin, who tells Finney that he was his friend, and he gives him the push he needs to fight back against the Grabber.
  • The Loss of Identity that the ghost boys have gone through, implied to take them over more and more the longer they've been dead. Bruce is only able to recall his name once Finney says it to him, but Billy can only say that that was "probably" his name, and tells Finney to call him "Paper Boy", as delivering newspapers is the only detail he can remember about his life.
  • Gwen's father spanking her with a belt while she cries and begs him to stop. He even forbids her from putting ice on her stinging bottom afterwards.
  • When Gwen goes to comfort her brother after they learn that Robin's fallen victim to the Grabber, he distraughtly objects her use of the past tense — Robin is his friend, not was.
