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Tear Jerker / Teen Titans Go!

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Surprisingly, even a Denser and Wackier reboot like this have quite the Tear Jerker moments.

  • Seeing Starfire utterly destroyed when Silkie gets lost in the episode "Missing".
  • In "Sandwich Thief", Starfire makes it rather clear (especially since she's hooked up to a lie detector machine) that she does not love Robin, could not even learn to love him, and didn't tell him so as not to hurt his feelings. Robin even asks her multiple times, but comes up with nothing. Note that the poor girl even tried to lie on purpose when asked if she loves Robin by saying "Yes", but was outed by said machine, making her come clean.
    • It's also pretty apparent that Everyone Can See It, too, to the point that Robin's attitude of never letting things go worries them that he will throw away his life which is implied when they meet his future self. Let this line speak for itself:
      Beast Boy: Like, what are you going to do if Starfire marries some dude?
      Robin: Plans have been made.
    • Similarly, while Robin and the girls confront Robin's future self, Beast Boy and Cyborg stay behind and decide to pass the time by prank-calling their future selves. It seems funny and innocuous at first... until Beast Boy calls his future self only to find out his future self is dead. Even if you hate this version of Beast Boy, it's hard to not wanna give the poor guy a hug after learning that sobering revelation.
      Beast Boy: That was a bad idea...
  • In "Salty Codgers", the Titans (sans Raven) get turned into old people, and later (temporarily) die from old age. It's played completely seriously, and is actually kind of heartwrenching, considering what the show is usually like.
    Raven: Old people are like shooting stars. They shine bright, but are gone in an instant. (sighs sadly) Rest in peace, you salty codgers.
    • It gets even sadder when you pay attention to Cyborg's grandchildren. One of them even says, "I miss Grandpa." It's enough to drive Raven to tears.
  • "Be Mine" has a really sad exchange between Raven and Beast Boy after Terra makes it pretty obvious that she hates him.
    Beast Boy: (tearfully) What's wrong with me?!
    Raven: There is nothing wrong with you. It's her; she's an awful person.
    Beast Boy: No, there's a good side to her, Rave. I know it! I'm just not good enough for her...
    Beast Boy: If she's out there, why hasn't she told me?
    (Raven looks understandably guilty)
  • The ending of "Yearbook Madness" reveals the Titans' futures. Cyborg and Starfire get great futures, with the former becoming a movie star and the latter opening a school on Tamaran and teaching English as a second language. But the futures of Beast Boy, Raven, and Robin are very depressing: Beast Boy gets into some chocolate and dies,note , Raven succumbs to Trigon's influence and enslaves the universenote , and Robin is indicted of embezzlement after destroying his boot factory, but is never caught due to him being trapped in the yearbook.
  • There's a surprisingly genuine moment at the end of "Grandma Voice" where Cyborg cries over how much he misses his grandma, with the other Titans trying to cheer him up by reminding him of the memories they had. It can strike a chord with those who miss a deceased relative.
  • Raven and Starfire's fight in "Caramel Apples" over Trigon's attention is a little sad to watch, as it reveals that even Starfire has Daddy Issues.
    Raven: He's just going to disappoint you—like he always disappoints me!
    • In the same episode, you can't help but feel even a little sorry for Trigon, who's genuinely crushed when Raven ignores him on Father's Day.
  • "Dog Hand" has one for both Cyborg and Beast Boy, both in regards to their childhoods. Cyborg remembers playing catch with a toaster he called "Dad" and cries when he doesn't throw the ball back, and Beast Boy remembers crawling towards various zoo animals, asking them if they're his parents.
  • EVERYTHING about the song "Pain".
  • In "40% 40% 20%", when the Brain destroys Cyborg's "Night Begins to Shine" tape, Cyborg just stops. Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome and Heartwarming when the other Titans begin singing the song to lift Cyborg's spirits up.
  • The ending of Super Robin. Good god...
  • After realizing what a horrible sister Blackfire had been in "Mr. Butt", she tries to become a better elder sister for the currently-imprisoned Starfire... but when Starfire breaks out of jail, she's too furious to care.
    Starfire: You have never done anything for me, except use me and trick me and get me into trouble!
    Blackfire: I hear you! And I'm sorry!
    Starfire: It's too late for the "sorry"!
  • "Master Detective" has Robin break down when the Titans call him out, saying that he's no master detective, as the title suggests.
    Cyborg: You, sir, are no master detective.
    Beast Boy: You let us down, fool!
    Starfire: You are a master of the disappointment.
    Robin: (stammering) I don't know what went wrong. You were right, Raven. (starts sobbing) I'm nothing if I can't even find three dumb animals!
    • What's even sadder is that not only did all three of the animals get eaten by an octopus after the Titans leave, rendering the Titans' quest futile, but the episode ends with Robin blaming himself for not being able to find them.
  • In "Tower Renovation", the first episode after The Movie, the Titans try to put on a brave face after the destruction of the Tower. They then go through hell trying to rebuild it, which they do, with some improvements. Then the Tower is re-destroyed by two natural disasters and a random UFO.
  • “The Croissant” reveals that Killer Moth was bullied for his looks and that’s why he’s evil.
  • In "Batman v Teen Titans: Dark Injustice", Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy tell Robin his parents are at the Tower. Robin excitedly shouts "Mommy! Daddy! Your baby is coming!" This leads to him getting trapped in tape, revealing it was just a joke. Robin tries to laugh, claiming it's in good fun, but he ends up sobbing, being reminded of his dark past.
  • Robin being genuinely saddened when Beast Boy tells him he has no friendships in "BBCYFSHIPBDAY".
    Robin: If one of these creatures is born when a friendship is formed, then why have I never seen one before?
    Beast Boy: Well, I think that'd be just the question you gotsa ask yourself, bro.
    (Robin frowns upon the realization)
  • In “Staff Meeting”, poor Robin breaks down sobbing when his staff breaks.
  • "Girls' Night In" has this Blackfire heartlessly wishing that Starfire was never her sister. To say this breaks poor Starfire's heart would be an immense understatement.
    Starfire: (tearing up) Oooh, that hurt worse than the death...!
    Blackfire: (smugly) Good. Then this won't bother you a bit. (punches Starfire)
