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Tear Jerker / t.A.T.u.

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  • Reading the lyrics to "All the Things She Said" can do it. The Russian version, "Ya Soshla S Uma", is even more depressing. Where "All The Things She Said" is fairly abstract, "Ya Soshla S Uma" describes the protagonist being told her orientation is a disease, being sent to conversion "therapy", being abused by her parents, and possibly committing suicide at the end.
  • "Doshitai Do Sta" ("Count to Hundred"). Even if it is just about a breakup, not death.
  • "Gomenasai," especially now that it's clear that neither singer is even on speaking terms with the other.
  • "Vsya Moya Lyubov"
  • "30 Minutes" is about suicide.
  • Both of their first solo songs can be interpreted to be breakup songs about the band. Lena's "Never Forget You" in particular seems to carry the message of "let it go already, t.A.T.u. is dead."
  • The child performer troupe Neposedy had their 25th-anniversary celebration in 2016, and as former members, both Julia and Lena showed up onstage to perform "Nas Ne Dogonyat" with them. The performance itself is effectively a Bittersweet Ending to the duo, as they try their best to essentially not even look at each other. It's clear at this point that they're never performing together again.
