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Tear Jerker / TS!Underswap

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  • Asgore wants to take Chara into his home and live with them as a family, desperate to protect at least one child, the child who arrived on the anniversary of the day he lost everything, and who is implied to remind him of his adopted child Frisk. You can convince him to let them go with him thinking it's what they want, but it's all a tragic misunderstanding: Chara wants to stay with him too, but they're forced to push him to let them leave and can't even tell their would-be father figure what's going on to ask for help. Heart-wrenching all around.
  • During Asgore's fight, Chara is narrating normally. When you get Asgore to the point where you can spare him in Neutral and Compassion, he again offers to let Chara live with him and describes the peaceful life the two can have together. Suddenly, Chara's narration lapses into the same Dramatic Ellipsis that happens several times in Frisk's fights against the Dreemurr family in Undertale, implying that they are unable to bring themself to say anything about what's happening, this time because they want to take him up on his offer but can't.
    Asgore: I... I-I... Human... I promise you. For as long as you remain here... I shall take care of you as best I can. We can sit by the fire, telling stories... Eating butterscotch pie... We could even be like... Like a family!
    Chara's narration: ...
    Asgore: ... But no matter what I tell myself... I suppose that isn't what you want, is it...? You want to leave this place. To be free...
    Chara's narration: But...
    • If at this point, you try selecting Talk instead of Spare, it fails as Chara's narration states they can't get the words out, so either they're too choked up with emotion to say anything else in response to this... or the entity forcing them to leave has such a stranglehold on them it won't even let them say anything more.
  • Betrayal-killing Asgore by getting him to the point where he's ready to let Chara go and then landing the killing blow. What's worse? That he doesn't even hold it against Chara, blaming himself for making them fight him and dying regretful and apologizing to them for making them distrust him? Or that the above shows Chara does want to stay with him but can't control themself, meaning you've just denied a young child the home and family they wanted, and then forced them to kill the man they wanted to be their father when he was about to let them go anyway?
  • While not as one-sided as Toriel's fight in Undertale's Genocide route, Asgore's fight in the Ruthless route turns out to be just as heartbreaking. He recognizes how much of a threat you are, and decides that he has to kill you to protect everyone else. But even though his attacks are much harder in this fight than in the Neutral/Compassion route, his combat descriptions will sometime state that he is still hesitating, as if despite his claims that you're beyond redemption, he still is holding out hope that you can turn around. And it's not until his health is almost depleted that he realizes you're truly out to kill him, and his sprite's arms begins shaking, his dialogue implying that he's breaking down at this point.
    Asgore: ...Why...? My PEOPLE...! WHY did you DO IT?! I gave you my KINDNESS...I gave you my TRUST...and IN RETURN?! You...YOU...!
  • Harry and Larry's boss fight on the Ruthless route in general. The only way you win the fight is by striking at Larry repeatedly until you push him off of the edge of the cliff you're fighting the duo at. Harry will respond by attempting to save his partner, just to come a second too late. Following this, he collapses to his knees in grief and doesn't even bother fighting back anymore, leaving himself open for the kill.
    • It's even worse when you take into consideration that the game paints it as if you don't have to go after them just so you can leave them alone and abort the route.
  • Sleeping in the attic of the hotel while on the Ruthless Route has Chara once again lament their situation.
  • Papyrus' reaction to Sans' defeat on the Ruthless route. Upon running into Chara on the bridge, Papyrus comes to the conclusion that his brother is already gone and almost breaks down on the spot. Had it not been for Sgt. Splosion's interference, they most likely would have killed him while he was still lost in his grief.
    • What makes this even more gut wrenching is the fact that we never see Sans' reaction to Papyrus' death in the vanilla game no matter what route we take and it's up to interpretation over how he handled it. Here, we actually see the horrifying realization hit the brother who's still alive and, just like one would expect, it is not pretty in the slightest.
    • The fact that Sans is implied to have faked his death, but Papyrus isn't aware of it, just makes it even sadder.
    • Hell, Sans' entire boss fight is this. Throughout the second half of the battle, he makes it clear that he knows it'll inevitably end with him dying, hence why he doesn't care when Chara tears his mask apart and exposes his identity. All Crossbones is trying to do is stall for time while the remaining monsters evacuate.
    • When Papyrus asks Chara why they're going out of their way to kill everyone, one of the dialogue options says "I don't want to anymore", but once again, something takes over and changes it to "Because". This further drives home the fact that you are forcing them to kill everyone against their will.
