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Tear Jerker / Super Hero Taisen GP: Kamen Rider #3

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  • During the final battle, Gou ends up getting hit by several attacks, and he ends up dying as a result. Even after the timeline is fixed, Gou is still dead...
  • It was tragic to see Chief Honganji get killed by Otta who in the alternate timeline is completely loyal to Shocker and is the monster Cheetahkatatsumuri. To see the comic relief get thrown through the window and dying like that because he believed in the Kamen Rider really shows how bad the Shocker world really is. At least their deaths were undone after the timeline is fixed.
  • It's subtle, but if you really think about Kamen Rider #3, he ends up being a surprisingly tragic character. A man who believes he has too much blood on his hands to ever wash off, and is so wracked with guilt over the horrific thing he did that he has to focus on constantly winning and being the strongest because it's the only thing he feels he has left in the world. And all because he was kidnapped by an organization of psychopaths and turned into a killing machine against his will.
