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Tear Jerker / Sunrise

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Somber shadows to match the mood.note 
  • The Wife refusing to forgive the Man for nearly drowning her.
  • When The Wife breaks down in the restaurant. It's guaranteed to break your heart.
  • And when the Man thinks The Wife died in a lightning storm. Everything was going so well, but the storm came out of nowhere, and rained on their parade, literally! That face is the face of a broken man. He had just convinced The Wife he had changed, that he was in love with her, and wouldn't try to hurt her. And then this happens. So in a way, it's a tearjerker for both the Man and his wife.
    • The picture shown on the right is The Man laying on the his wife's bed, thinking she was gone. The room was even was even steaked with somber shadows to match the mood.
