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Tear Jerker / Strike Back

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  • Kate Marshall's death, rigged to a car bomb with multiple redundant triggers and barely more than a minute left on the timer. Michael is utterly distraught as she orders him to leave her, pointedly addressing him as "Sergeant." Scott has to practically drag him away.
  • Sinclair 's death in episode 7 of "Vengeance", believing they may actually be getting out with the help of the British government, and suddenly realizing it's all staged. And tries to avert his own killing by the racist jailer. Baxter and Richmond appear to suffer from early stages of Heroic BSoD, after Sinclair is murdered
  • Conrad Knox's death. Despite being utterly delusional, he had well meaning intentions and in the end was slowly reduced to blowing his brains out in a filthy South African street after crossing the Despair Event Horizon
  • Earlier, Scott painfully admitting what his last job for the CIA was, and why he can't go home to the United States. The unintended murder of a child haunts him, and he has trouble getting out the words, even to his best friend.
  • Rebekah Levy's death. In an aversion of Boom, Headshot!, she doesn't die instantly, and lasts long enough to recite the Shema Yisrael and say goodbye to Scott
  • Rachel Dalton's death might be one, if you felt sympathetic for her. While she went off the rails near the end, it was clear that she cared about her team enough to try to seek revenge for them, and she was right about everything. That's not the truly sad part, however. The worst part is that nobody seemed to care all that much. Scott even declines the usual memorial drink they have for fallen comrades, saying that it's better that she's no longer with them. And Richmond even agreed. All this despite the fact that she saved Johannesburg with them in the previous season, and even took a bullet to try and stop Knox from tripping the deadman's switch. Meanwhile, Kumali, the person who actually pulled the trigger on Baxter, was welcomed into the group, and Dalton was blamed for putting him in the line of fire in the first place even though it's a hazard of the job. After The Reveal, she's vindicated, but the fact that she was disregarded as crazy for so long is still sad.
  • John's reaction to Lexie telling him that his wife has died due to complications in surgery to remove a tumor. He's clearly distraught but keeps it bottled in to comfort his daughter. It's only after she hangs up that he begins to cry.
  • Richmond's death in 'Legacy. Wounded and in no shape to fight, she faces death with resigned acceptance.
    Richmond: I always knew I'd die like this, in a place like this. I just never knew who'd pull the trigger.
    • Scott's reaction to finding her body just twists the knife even more.
  • Locke's death in the penultimate episode of Legacy after Section 20 is betrayed by their own government. Scott and Stonebridge then have to leave his body behind.
  • The fate of the Austrian man who helps Scott and Stonebridge after they are ambushed by the mercenaries. The mercenaries torture him for information and then presumably kill him.
  • Kamali handing off the smallpox antidote to Ester as he's dying.
  • In Episode 6 of "Vendetta", the team finds Mac near death and despite their best efforts, he dies. It gets especially wrenching as Coltrane gently, but firmly and repeatedly tells Wyatt, "He's gone.", even as Wyatt snaps, "Fuck you!" at him and continues trying to revive Mac.
  • It gets even worse in Episode 9 when the team desperately tries to save Chetri, only to be essentially Forced to Watch as Arianna shoots her in the head. It's especially bad since as opposed to Mac, Chetri was the Naïve Newcomer and even though she became just as competent as the rest of the team, she was still Everyone's Baby Sister, so seeing her get gunned down was incredibly shocking.
