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Tear Jerker / Stargate: The Ark of Truth

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  • If the talk Teal'c has with Tomin aboard the Odyssey doesn't make you feel bad for him, it will make you feel bad for Teal'c. How easy it is for those of us in the audience to forgive a character once they've preformed a Heel–Face Turn, we often forget the fact that they are not so forgiving towards themselves...
    Tomin: I sit here, and I cannot imagine the day when I will forgive myself.
    Teal'c: Because it will never come. One day others may try to convince you they have forgiven you, that is more about them than you. For them, imparting forgiveness is a blessing.
    Tomin: How do you go on?
    Teal'c: It is simple. You will never forgive yourself. Accept it. You hurt others, many others, that cannot be undone. You will never find personal retribution, but your life does not have to end. That which is right, just and true can still prevail. If you do not fight for what you believe in all may be lost for everyone else. But do not fight for yourself, fight for others, others that may be saved through your effort. That is the least you can do.
  • Daniel, practically in tears as he begs Morgan to help them.
    Morgan: I've done all that I can.
    Daniel: No, you can do more. You can do much more!
  • Adria and Vala's final heart-to-heart. It's easy to see, neither of them is happy with how things turned out. Yet neither of them seems to outright hate the other. They're both just, incredibly sad about it all.
  • For some, the Doci's heartfelt apology. The My God, What Have I Done? line does a nice job of turning a formerly bland villain into The Woobie.
    Doci: Have mercy. I was blind, but now I see.
