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Tear Jerker / Speed

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  • A woman pushes a baby carriage out in front of the bus while Annie's driving and the bus smashes it. Annie's understandably distraught. It's only after this happens we see it contain cans and not an actual baby.
  • Payne blowing up the sweet little old lady Helen. Just because she was scared out of her mind and tried to get off the bus.
    • Annie's Survivor Guilt afterwards, because she was glad to be alive. With Jack comforting her while sadly saying that Helen "was a nice lady who didn't deserve to get killed".
  • Harry's death, many in the audience took it almost as bad as Jack did.
    • The look on Harry's face when he realizes the bomb in Payne's house is about to go off.
  • The tense moment before the jump, where the passengers are visibly scared of dying. In particular, the criminal apologizing to Jack—"Hey, I didn't mean to shoot the guy"—, probably trying to atone before meeting his Maker.
  • Having been safely evacuated, the other passengers can only watch helplessly as Jack and Annie speed away to an unknown fate, clearly worried about them.
  • Jack’s horrified reaction to seeing Annie strapped to a bomb, having been lured away by Payne. All she’s able to do in that moment is whisper a pitiful apology to Jack.
