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Tear Jerker / Species

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  • The opening scene with Young Sil about to be executed. Before we even know what we are getting into, we see a little girl trapped in a glass cage monitored by scientists. She starts to get scared while they seem to be working on something from outside. She looks up to see Xavier looking her over, with him mouthing the words "I'm sorry." With her repeating what he said, in a tone that seems like she is gonna accept whatever they were planning to do to her. Then we see gas pour into the room and her crying and banging on the glass in a panic. She breaks free starting the plot in the movie, but everything leading up to that moment was both scary and sad.
  • Young Sil’s transformation on the train. While pure Nightmare Fuel, it is also really a sad scene to watch. Sil is clearly in so much pain from the tentacles coming out of her face as well as being horrified at the sight of what is happening to her. It is also implied that this is when Sil pretty much loses her humanity, and the alien takes over. Young Sil is in so much pain and suffering that it makes you wish you could hug her... and it seems like she has no clue what's going on. There's no "What's Happening To My Body Book For Hybrid Girls," she can't tell if this is normal, if she's sick or dying, all she knows it that it's painful and scary.
