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Tear Jerker / Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

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In general:

  • Expectedly every featurette of Rudolph follows the original story and song's formula of Rudolph being isolated and bullied for his nose (usually to the point of tears) until Santa employs him. The Rankin-Bass special really ups Rudolph's abuse however.

The original 1939 story

  • Rudolph is first seen crying against a tree after the reindeer make fun of his red nose. A close up illustration of him is seen where his tears are actually falling between the story's text.

The 1948 Max Fleischer cartoon:

The 1964 Rankin/Bass Productions special:

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer the Movie (1998)

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys:

  • The Toy Taker is actually a worn-out teddy bear named Mr. Cuddles. In song, he explains why he took on the persona of the Toy Taker: his boy, Steven, got him for his first Christmas, and as Steven grew older, Mr. Cuddles felt like he was being abandoned, especially since he was thrown away, and didn't want the other toys to be discarded as well. However, in the end, Mr. Cuddles was repaired by Queen Camilla and became a gift for Steven's baby daughter.
    Mr. Cuddles: This is the happiest day of my life.
