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Tear Jerker / Rhythm Heaven

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Despite the very upbeat nature of the Rhythm Heaven series, do not go into it thinking they will not throw the waterworks curveball.

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    Rhythm Tengoku 
  • TBA

    Rhythm Heaven
"Wait! Come back!

  • The 'Try Again' screen for Love Lizards (as pictured in this folder) feels like one hell of a punch to the gut. Earning that rank in the minigame will reveal what has transpired between the two Güiro Lizards. The male lizard moves on to a pink female lizard, with the heart indicating that they've clicked, and all the female Güiro can do is shed a tear and beg.
  • "Struck By the Rain", the Karate Man song from the DS game, is about a woman coping with a breakup. While most of the English songs in the DS game come off as corny, the lyrics and singing sound so genuine by comparison that it's almost jarring:
    And so I hide myself away from the world
    Leave behind the sorrow of a sad little girl
    I thought that I had finally won at the game
    You told me it just was for fun
    I suppose that I was too young

    Rhythm Heaven Fever 
  • The song for Fever Remix 8, "I Love You, My One and Only", is about unrequited love... or depending on your interpretation, a relationship gone wrong:
    Won't ever give you up, won't ever let go
    Even when you hurt me, I still love you so
    I'll let you take the lead, follow where you go
    Hear my plea, oh won't you baby

    Rhythm Heaven Megamix
"...Bearbara, my love."

  • Blue Bear from Megamix, which follows a bear who is binge-eating to forget his recent breakup, but thankfully, it turns out to just be All Just a Dream. The story continues in the Left-Hand Remix, starting with Beary realizing that he blew his allowance on donuts or telling his girlfriend Bearbara that he is now considering going on a diet... before he begins stress-eating again. Happily, the end reveals that it is also all just a dream, though it is saddened by the fact that Bearbara is crying in her sleep about the nightmare. These suggest that though Beary and Bearbara are otherwise happy together, they have recurring nightmares of their relationship falling apart.
