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Tear Jerker / Rain (2010)

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Warning, all "Moments" subpages have spoilers off!
It's okay to cry.
Due to its premise, Rain (2010) can get rather sad in some parts.

"The New Girl"

  • Rain's initial unexpected reunion with her childhood best friend Gavin. The latter is both angry and confused and says he wants nothing to do with what Rain is doing, believing that Rain lied to him and everyone at school. This causes Rain to cry.
  • As Maria and Rudy try to comfort her, Rain thanks them and says this:
    Rain: Thanks guys…I’ve never really had friends I could count on before…except…except for Gavin.
    • Gavin hears this and looks away with sorrow.

"The Exception"

  • Rudy seeking solitude after breaking up with Rain. Seen here.

"The Flaherty Siblings"

  • Emily comforting Rain after she has a horrible nightmare (which is confirmed to be a Flashback).

  • Rain waking up to find from a worried Emily that Kellen cut her hair short while she was sleeping, undoing years of growing her hair and breaking Rain's trust. After calling out Kellen and realizing her transphobic sister isn't going to change her mind anytime soon, Rain gives up trying to get Kellen to accept her and disowns her, telling her to stay away and never talk to her ever again.
  • Heather telling Jessica about her condition, and reveals that she's resented Kylie for having the feminine traits she doesn't have and not wanting them.
  • Possibly the way that Emily ended up pregnant by Chase (an older man that was having a relationship with a teenager).
  • When Rain first attempts to confess her feelings to Emily, she's approached by two kids, one of whom looks her in the face and yells to his friend that she's a boy. It cuts down any confidence she had at that point.
  • Aiken and Jessica's reunion.
  • Emily admitting that she does return Rain's feelings, but that she doesn't think they can be together. She's a high schooler who's having a baby, with all that entails. If word gets out, there's a chance that Rain might be under suspicion of being the father, plus there's the very real possibility that the two of them might not be together forever. Even then, she's worried that she might not be able to raise the baby alone, but she's also scared to get Rain or anyone else wrapped up in her drama. It's one long waterfall of fear and insecurity coming from a girl who did nothing to deserve any of it.
    • Which makes it all the more Heartwarming when they decide to try to make it work anyway.
  • Emily coming forward with how she started dating Chase. They met at one of her mother's social events when Emily was at one of the lowest moments of her life. Since her mom gave her the affection she desperately wanted while she was with him, she hooked up with him. However, then she got threatening texts from one of Chase's exes and she figured out that Chase was constantly cheating on her, toying other girls and then breaking things off when it was convenient and using Emily as a fallback. And the kicker, her mother knew about all this and emotionally manipulated her into staying in that relationship anyway, even downright telling her that she was never going to do better, all because Chase's family was rich. It was only after she figured out Chase was going to perv on her classmates that she drew the line and broke things off.
  • Shortly into Chapter 34, Channel reveals that she hadn't been able to get in touch with Maria for a few days, which is worrying since neither her nor Rudy are there at the time. The two do show up more or less fine, but then they reveal the reason why Maria wasn't able to text. It turns out that their parents came home earlier than Rudy expected, causing them to catch him as "Ruby". Their father raged out against him and confiscated his phone, and then Maria gets home and took her phone too, with all of her conversations with Chanel on it. The siblings are trying to be positive about it, but it's obvious that they're in a bad state, and Chanel is worried about Brother Arthur's warning that their parents are looking into "cure the gay" camps.
    • Her crying on Emily after confessing that going to conversion camps (and what they would do to her) scares her.
  • Maria and Chanel are both miserable about not being able to see each other after Maria runs away from home. Poor girls both know the other is alright, but they miss each other terribly.
  • Chapter 36 gives us some subtle hints that, even after urging her to get together with Emily, Allison still isn't over Rain.
  • Ana talks about why her parents are divorced at prom. In order to make a point to Drew that Ky has no control over their dysphoria, she tells him about her "friend", whose mother could not accept that she was a girl and is no longer a part of life. She misses her everyday. She starts to cry and needs to excuse herself.
  • It can understandably be hard to sympathize with her after what she did and how she's acted, but Kellen admits she's trying to get better and understand Rain's situation. She never wanted to be the bad guy or push her family away. She may not grasp everything, but she still wants to be involved in their lives. And, quite understandably, she's sure she'll never have the chance now.

Chapter 43 - Liriel's Daughter

  • On the night before turning 18 and retrieving her inheritance, Rain has a nightmare where she is left with nothing and her abusive father appears behind the chair to break Rain by saying that Liriel wanted nothing to do with her. Fortunately for her, Marcus doesn't appear when she reclaims her inheritance on her 18 birthday.
  • On the final letter Liriel wrote to Rain, he reflected how like Rain, he expressed the desire of being himself when he was little, but was gaslighted by his parents into believing he was just making it up, regretting abandoning his true feelings and lamenting pushing Rain's emotions when he was still alive to protect everyone from Marcus's wrath, encouraging Rain to be herself and transition. The whole letter broke Rain and Fara into tears, and Rain decides to take his deadname for him.

Non-story pages

  • All of the Transgender Day of Remembrance comics.
    • 2011 featured a story where two parents who were burying their only daughter Alicia regretted throwing her out of their home due to being transgender and lamented not trying to understand her when she was still alive.
    • The 2013 and 2014 were dedicated to the victims of these years, using the real names of the victims.
    • In 2021, it returned as an animation where Rain lights a candle and dedicates a poem in memory to the late Mr Bryer.
