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Tear Jerker / Prehistoric Planet

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As a Tear Jerker page, all spoilers are unmarked as per wiki policy. You Have Been Warned!

     Season One 

  • From Coasts:
    • The death of one of the baby T. rexes courtesy of a mosasaur. The father doesn't even seem to notice it happening, and simply carries on with his four remaining chicks. Though at least when he gets to the shore of the island, he looks out to the water for a good moment, realizing that one of his babies didn't make it.
    • The Alcione hatchlings’ perilous journey to the forest, where several get eaten by larger pterosaurs, by Barbaridactylus in the air and by Phosphatodraco on the ground. A lucky few, however, safely reach the refuge of the forest.
    • The peril the pregnant mother plesiosaur goes through as she gives birth and her adolescent son's frantic and dangerous attempt to distract the mosasaur. Fortunately, it turns out well for them in the end.
    • The end of the ammonites’ story—after the marvelous spectacle that is their mating ritual, all of them die shortly after passing on their genes, their corpses soon washing up on the shore afterward.
  • From Deserts:
    • The Dreadnoughtus dying from their injuries due to fighting over mates. They are simply so big and heavy that merely falling down in a fight is a death sentence, as they are too heavy to get up again. The kicker is the Astronomic Zoom that shows just how even as giants they're dwarfed by the land the live in. The narrator never says that the old Dreadnoughtus died, but in a time lapse we see it laying there while all the other dinosaurs gradually disappear from around it.
    • Two male Barbaridactylus are shown fighting in mid-air over the rights to engage in courtship displays on a large flat rock surface. The dominant male manages to kill his rival by landing a hit, which causes him to slam into a rock wall and due to his momentum violently crashes on the sandy slopes below.
  • From Freshwater:
    • The mother Quetzalcoatlus losing most of her eggs to a rival who doesn’t want her offspring to have any competition. While she manages to fend the rival off, she’s left with only three of her eggs unharmed.
    • Similarly, the mother Masiakasaurus losing one of her babies to a hungry Beelzebufo.
  • From Ice Worlds:
    • The Dromaeosaurus ambush knocks a baby hadrosaur into a frozen river, with its mother frantically trying to help. Refreshingly, however, it manages to scramble onto the ice and out of danger.
    • Swarming mosquitoes literally suck the life out of Olorotitan trying to raise their brood, but especially affects the young. A weakened baby tries to keep up, but its mother eventually abandons it as it falls behind. Luckily, it gets better and the two reunite.
    • The troodontids killing the Cimolodon. It's depressing seeing a cute, harmless, chubby creature running for its life from a fire only to end as the meal of the perpetrator.
    • When their den turns out to be smaller than expected, an Antarctopelta is suddenly kicked out of the creche by his brothers and is forced to wander the wilderness alone in search of shelter from the oncoming winter.
    • When the Pachyrhinosaurus herd breaks, the previously-wounded bull starts to lag behind and gets surrounded by the Nanuqsaurus pack. While two others try to come back to help, they are too late as the bull gets taken down with barely a fight.

  • From Forests:
    • The male Carnotaurus goes through all the trouble preparing to woo a mate and performing his courtship dance, but at the end, the female isn't interested and departs leaving him empty-handed.

     Season Two 

  • From Badlands:
  • From North America:
    • While the blow is softened somewhat by the knowledge that he lived a full life, the death by old age of the 70-year-old bull Alamosaurus is still a sombre event. Compounding this is just how peaceful his end is - unlike all the other deaths in the show, he just seems to peacefully lie down and accept the end.
