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Tear Jerker / Power Rangers Hyperforce

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  • In episode 6 Vesper being forced to try to kill Eddie, on the same day she asked him on a date.
  • Vesper's first ever friend dying when he was really young, presumably leaving Vesper alone. (Though that may not be a real memory).
  • All of Chloe's scene with her fake mum in episode 10.
  • Marv not being able to teleport out his brother in episode 12. Their goodbye also qualifies.
  • The end of episode 19: the Coinless' ally, Hicks, turns out to have been altered by Finster 5 to become Pumpkin Rapper and, overpowered by the Rangers, decides to take a Taking You with Me, exploding and killing all the civilians the team attempted to rescue. Then more of Drakkon's army arrives, surrounds the team... and is joined by Lord Drakkon himself.
  • The end of episode 22: At the tail end of the episode, Vesper ends up dying. In front of Eddie. This took everyone so off-guard that they had to set up an emergency fireside chat
