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Tear Jerker / Poison Berry in My Brain

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  • Whenever Hatoko cries in the movie.
  • Ishibashi, in a coma, trapped in cobwebs is a mixture of this and Nightmare Fuel.
  • Saotome's rampage at the end, and Ichiko pleads for him to stop, to no avail. She breaks down in tears, and in her brain, it starts raining. This is what finally gets Ishibashi out of the cobweb.
  • Every memory of Saotome coming on in Ichiko's mind thanks to Hatoko.
  • The Mysterious Woman sympathetically touching Yoshida's face, all without a word.
  • When Ichiko ends her relationship with Saotome, she says:
    Ichiko: I love you... but... I hate myself when I'm with you... so, we can never stay together... I want to love myself... otherwise, I would never be happy... that's why... I will break up with you.
  • You can't help but feel a little sorry for Saotome when he begs Ichiko to not leave him.
