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Tear Jerker / Peter Pan (1954)

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  • The Cut Song "When I Went Home", reinstated for NBC's 2014 adaptation, has Peter recall when he learned firsthand that You Can't Go Home Again. He returned to his parents' house one night, expecting them to welcome him inside, then ask where exactly he went. Instead, he found the doors and windows barred, and another boy sleeping in his bed.
  • "Distant Melody." In the original version, it's a solo for Peter, faintly remembering a loving lullaby his mother sang to him when he was a baby, which reveals the sad cost of his choice to run away to Neverland. In later revivals, it's a duet for Peter and Wendy, which has Wendy also remembering her own mother's lullabies and realizing she misses her home. In the 2014 NBC version, Peter is left out of the song altogether (since that version gives him back the Cut Song "When I Went Home" afterwards), and instead it becomes a Distant Duet for Wendy and the grieving Mrs. Darling back in London. But in all it's forms, it's a poignant song, much like its counterpart "Your Mother and Mine" from the Disney version.
  • The Distant Finale when Peter comes back to take Wendy to Neverland again, only to find her grown up. He frantically tries to deny the obvious, but then falls to his knees sobbing. Fortunately, this is followed by a happy Heartwarming Moment as Jane wakes up and befriends him just like her mother did, but the sad fact remains that Wendy can never go back to Neverland.
